
The school presently follows the curriculum prescribed by the CBSE for classes I to XII. The curriculum is quite extensive and not confined to the textbooks. As far as the choice of the subjects at CBSE level is concerned, both the boards provide variety of subjects. Indian mind-set still run on three streams i.e. Science, Commerce & Humanities, hence subjects have been grouped to follow specified subjects under one stream.
The curriculum content is blended to ensure that the requirement of CBSE is met and exceeded. It allows enough room to address individual needs and to create a learner-centered classroom. As per the Indian Union Government’s guidelines, the students are made environment conscious by making provision of the subject Environmental Education compulsory.
Teaching Methodology
- Individual understanding and capacity of the child
- Encouraging attitude and temperament in the learner
- Using different learning styles.
- Creating favorable learning environment inside and outside the classroom
- Utilization of technology, multimedia aids and other resources
- Group discussions, debate, brainstorming sessions, role play, questioning techniques, cooperative learning, field visits, projects & seminars.